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ZEITGEIST The Movie - Official Release (VOB)
Video > Other
2.92 GB

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Nov 7, 2007

ZEITGEIST The Movie - Complete DVD - VOB - 2.91GB

What does Christianity, 9/11 and The Federal Reserve, all have in common?

Part 1: The greatest story ever told
Part 2: All the world's a stage
Part 3: Don't mind the men behind the curtain

ZEITGEIST The Movie details the history of the current geo-political structure starting with a history of Christianity, and developing through the formation of current governments and their eventual goals.


Every human needs to watch this movie. It's both scary and awakening.

But I know it is the truth. At least the head points.

I hope everybody will, at some time in their life, come to the point where you truly realize, what the nature of our race really is.

If not agreeing with the views in this movie then at least recognize that mankind in all of history and probably for a long time forward, will seek to gain more power and status not caring about other individuals.

When everything is said or done, it is important to remember, that we are only another animal. We have just developed incredibly fast because of brain stimulation and culture.

It is your right as a human being, to think for your self, and make up what you think is the truth! Don't ever let others tell you what the truth is! Not even if it's your best friend. Truth can only be found from within YOU!
I haven't downloaded this release, although I might.

But its funny how people -- that are Christian -- don't know that Christianity is a story that history has already repeated a number of times.

Good stuff to know. I also recommend watching 'Money Masters' on Google Video. Its rather long, so watch what you can, and continue later -- OBViously.


worx great!!! SEED.

def. a must see...

Get the Companion Guide to ZEITGEIST, Part 1 here:
does it include an english subtitle? please test and answer, i must know, thanks, it's for my deaf buddy.
Great film.
Would be nice to see some intelligent criticism about these kinds of movies that try to show us how narrow view of things the mass media offers and that we don't think for ourselves nearly enough..
"This film doesn't give you the absolute truth about things so it is all *curses*". That kind of "logic" is all too common with people critisizing these kinds of movies.
I understand why it must feel awful for some media workers, these kinds of movies do their real job. They try to fix the lack of important ideas and information what the mass media should'v published a long time ago.
Of course we should debate about things, but we should also get the chance to do so. We need to hear more information about important things, from different points of view, but the general public is being denied from that opportunity.
does it have the portuguese subs?
i like how everyone is talking about how you should not believe something just because someone tells you to. Yet everyone that is commenting on this torrent is doing just that. JUST because this rather douche baggy sounding narrator says it's true doesn't mean it is. get out there and come to your own conclusions. Experience life and test your own beliefs. Don't believe something just because it's presented with pretty colors and explained with convinced words. Seek the truth and you will find it.
exactly! finally someone fair to themselves who is not buying cheap crap but has got courage to search for the truth.
i thank you 'gree17' for your racional, though little, voice in this pool full of foolishness.

and btw i'm not primarily christian because of some respect to institution/tradition and so, or just follower, but because i can see the goodness/love/God what it represents and spreads.
obviously they are some mistakes been made, as church is the people. and people are fragile to sin.

anyway, i'm going to see this crap and get someting useful of it (like some facts) which is going to be hard to separate from the rest of the propaganda crap.
from what i've heard i can consider is among bunch of other anrachy/cult/hippie/eco-terrorism/ezoteric/new-age crap, which i've seen and which is probably still going to be around for while.
i'll watch this just for the sake of fair search of the truth, fair criticism and therefore fair attitude to myself.
i don't want to lie myself, folks.
do you? ...
gree17, tatrabanka
You're on the path, but not there yet. What I mean is you need to understand there is almost always more then one side of an observed truth. The first important prinsiple everyone should grasp is it's important to read arguments from all sides of the discussion before you make up your mind. And the stronger the debatants are, the closer one comes to the truth. This cancels out any religious and indoctrinating centers there is, their "followers" should spend as much time listening to atheists and archaeologists and theologists as they do in their churches, temples and mosques. As far as I have seen, there is a counter argument for all their dogmas and indoctrination techniques i.e "God works in mysterious ways."

If you really believe in a God, your sentence "god bless you all" may suggest, why don't you pray for all the children who are abused, die in war or die of hunger around the world? The problem with religion is it make people ignorant and selective in their belief. It also goes easily over to fanatism, and it is wrong to teach people and childre to accept dogmas, for instance that Jesus is supposed to be a prophet. Fortunately we now have the Internet, where there is no authorithy and you have to genuinely convince people with good insight and established facts before they turn into a "believer." Tricks like "God works in mysterious ways" and "hersey" have no value unless promoted by a threatening mob, for instance your religious parents or a local imam with authority that threatens with hell.

Religion creates a black and white world with heaven and hell. They create a "problem," a market demand, and they also create the solution. Worship our God, give money to our organisation. They have essentially stolen the key to the heavens. These are only arguments, but if they where presented along with a brainwashing missinary, it would me much more difficult to convert members for your religion. Your center of dogmas that have specialized in arguments from their side.